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    Junction Boxes

    Junction Box

    GI Junction boxes suitable for metal and aluminum trunking with duct entry of 25mm and 38mm Epoxy coated trap lid to prevent any rust accumulation on the exposed parts


    GI Junction boxes suitable for metal and aluminum trunking with duct entry of 25mm and 38mm Epoxy coated trap lid to prevent any rust accumulation on the exposed parts

    Features & Benefits:
    • GI Junction boxes suitable for metal and aluminum trunking with duct entry of 25mm and 38mm
    • Epoxy coated trap lid to prevent any rust accumulation on the exposed parts
    • Smooth curves on all the 4 sides of the pillars to ensure safety of Cat 6 cables, when pulled
    • Excellent load bearing capacity of 3.6 tons on the trap lid
    • Adjustable levelling screws on all 4 sides to match any floor finish


    • Product Type
      • Junction Box Degrees Celsius


    • Product Type
      • Junction Box Degrees Celsius
    • Product Type : Junction Box Degrees Celsius|
    Part Number
    Leaf Category
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