
Visual alarm device (VAD) design app

The VAD iPad app helps you create floor plans and drop and drag VAD devices onto them, giving you instant visual feedback about whether your proposal is valid.

EN54-23 regulations explained

The EN54-23 standard was developed to allow easier comparisons of VADs. This video explains the standard and how Gent’s VADs comply.


VAD design and application guide

Get the guide that will help you deliver effective and efficient designs, including examples and regulations that control device selection.

VAD Design Aid for PCs

A spreadsheet tool to help build your designs

Enter room information into our Excel-based design aid and get an estimate for the visual alarms and positioning you will need.

CPD - EN54-23 made easy

Get professional training that explains the key drivers of the EN53-23 standard, what has changed since its introduction. Learn when VADs should be used and how to select the correct devices.