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The Spyder Model 7 VAV Controller is your shortcut to smarter control

Smarter Control Starts Now

IP-enabled VAV control used to be the wave of the future, but not anymore – because with the arrival of Spyder™ Model 7, it’s the wave of today. That means more data, faster. Universal I/Os. Test and balancing via mobile app. HVAC systems are more capable and better protected when they’re part of the building’s IP network – making Spyder Model 7 your gateway to smarter control.
Spyder Model 5 VAV Controller
Spyder Model 5 VAV Controller

Flexible Installation

Fully programmable. Connects via IP or BACnet MS/TP. IP loop and daisy-chain wiring. 7 universal I/Os and 5 solid-state relays. Supports Sylk wall modules and actuators.


Easy Setup

Configure wirelessly. Test and balance with mobile app. Pair via Bluetooth Low Energy. Access-point functionality, pair with just one controller to command any or all.


Simple to Service

Convenient retrofit for prior Spyder models. Program in Niagara workbench WEBs-N4 open system. Field replaceable, polarity-free airflow sensor. Color-coded screw terminals.

Spyder Model 7 Resources


Installation Instructions

Find a Contractor

Get started now by finding a local contractor who can help design a system that will increase comfort, efficiency, and savings in your facility.