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Raising the Life Safety Standard
5 de mayo de 2021
Keeping staff, occupants, and buildings safe is one of your top priorities, which is why you’re constantly working behind the scenes to ensure your facility is running as it should. From your fire and life safety systems to air filtration and security, it’s critical that you get the job done right. And to get the job done right, you only work with trusted partners.
With over 70 years of industry experience , a premium network of partners, and innovative, state-of-the-art technology, we’ve reinvented the fire safety category with our new suite of solutions: NOTIFIER Self-Test series of detectors, NOTIFIER INSPIRE™ fire control systems, and Honeywell’s Connected Life Safety Services.
Our smart technology eliminates the hassle that comes with installation and tests to create a less disruptive experience, and that’s just the beginning. Keep reading to learn more about how NOTIFIER can help take your facility to new heights.
Remote Monitoring
Within the last year, millions of people transitioned to remote working environments, accentuating the need for remote technologies that make it easier for us to be productive and proactive anytime, anywhere.
With Honeywell’s Connected Life Safety Services (CLSS), you unlock access to real-time information that enables you to stay on top of maintenance schedules, react quickly to incidents, and take appropriate measures – all from your mobile or desktop device.
Beyond that, remote troubleshooting allows your engineers and technicians to diagnose problems before they arrive on site – increasing first time fix rates and reducing costs.
Efficient Testing
We know you dread your annual test and inspection. Not because you don’t care, but because having multiple technicians on site for days at a time requesting access to occupied rooms and disrupting your day-to-day is not ideal. We get it.
With our new integrated technologies, technicians no longer need full access to occupied spaces like elevator shafts, meeting rooms, and restricted areas to conduct a time-consuming smoke test and inspection. Instead, they can execute a functional self-test and then perform a quick visual inspection from outside of the room – saving you and your occupants the hassle of unwanted disruptions.
These solutions also reduce the number of technicians needed on site and the amount of time they spend there, turning a process that typically takes days and weeks into hours and minutes.
Digital Compliance
Proof of compliance is critical in keeping your facility up and running or opening on time. NOTIFIER’s new solutions work together to ensure that all devices have been properly and thoroughly tested, delivering digital compliance reports at the touch of a button.
Expandable Systems
At the center of it all is NOTIFIER INSPIRE ™ – the next generation of connected life safety fire control systems. This game-changing panel is aesthetically pleasing, user-friendly, and highly flexible – meaning it grows as your building grows, minimizing equipment changes and costs. Perhaps most importantly, NOTIFIER INSPIRE™ is the system that makes self-testing detection possible.
At the end of the day, we know you have more to worry about than your fire systems. That’s why we’ve created integrated solutions that give you peace of mind that you’re not only getting the job done - you’re getting the job done right.
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