Software End User License Agreements
- This page contains the End User License Agreements for Building Automation's (formerly known as Honeywell Building Technologies) software products. Please select the relevant documents for your country or region below.
- Cette page contient les contrats de licence d'utilisateur final pour les produits logiciels de Building Automation (anciennement Honeywell Building Technologies). Veuillez sélectionner ci-dessous les documents pertinents pour votre pays ou votre région.
- Diese Seite enthält die Endbenutzer-Lizenzvereinbarungen für die Softwareprodukte von Building Automation (früher bekannt als Honeywell Building Technologies). Bitte wählen Sie unten die relevanten Dokumente für Ihr Land oder Ihre Region aus.
- Questa pagina contiene i contratti di licenza con l'utente finale per i prodotti software Building Automation (precedentemente noti come Honeywell Building Technologies). Selezionare di seguito i documenti pertinenti per il proprio paese o regione.
- Den här sidan innehåller slutanvändarlicensavtalen för Building Automations (tidigare känd som Honeywell Building Technologies) mjukvaruprodukter. Vælg venligst de relevante dokumenter for dit land eller område nedenfor.
- Esta página contiene los acuerdos de licencia de usuario final para los productos de software de Building Automation (anteriormente conocido como Honeywell Building Technologies). Seleccione los documentos relevantes para su país o región a continuación.
Building Management Systems
Tridium NDS, Remote and Recover
Tridium Niagara
N4 Supervisor
Honeywell Building Solutions
Cyber Insights EULA
Honeywell Cyber and Connected Buildings Solutions EULA
EULA Archive
35 Series SDK EULA (as of 2.29.24)
AdPRO EULA (as of 5.8.23)
Compass EULA (as of 5.8.23)
Connected Life Safety Services EULA (as of 5.8.23)
Pro-Watch EULA (as of 5.8.23)
Connected Life Safety Services NOC EULA (as of 10.27.21)
Fiplex by Honeywell EULA (as of 5.8.2023)
Honeywell Universal Surveillance EULA (as of 5.8.23)
IC5 EULA (as of 5.8.23)
Install Software EULA (Verifier, Camworks, Fusion, FS Tools, Tool Suite, Tools 8000, GNP, & FSS Product) (as of 5.8.23)
Intelligent Command EULA (as of 5.8.23)
Lobbyworks EULA (as of 5.8.23)
MAXPRO CLOUD EULA - Europe (as of 8.23.22)
MAXPRO VMS EULA (as of 5.8.23)
Connected Life Safety Services EULA (as of 2.8.24)
Pro-Watch EULA (as of 6.12.2023)
Pro-Watch Microsoft Azure Marketplace EULA (as of 5.8.23)
Pro-Watch Physical Identity and Access Control Management EULA (as of 9.1.22)
PW VMS EULA (as of 5.8.23)
Video Analytics EULA (as of 5.8.23)
WINMAG EULA (as of 10.14.22)
WIN-PAK EULA (as of 5.8.23)
Connected Socket Commissioning App EULA (as of 5.8.23)
IP Panel Control EULA (as of 5.8.23)
PIAM EULA (as of 5.8.23)
Building Management Systems
Optimizer Software
Connected Socket Commissioning App
Honeywell Connect Mobile
Honeywell Connect Me
SAMBA ("Small and Medium Building Administrator")
Remote Building Manager (RBM)
EMaaS ("Energy Management as-a-Service")
Fiplex by Honeywell
GNP Management tool
Honeywell Fire Software Suite
CLSS (Connected Life Safety System)
FAAST FLEX Bluetooth app
USDD FSA Mobile App
Honeywell Building Solutions
Honeywell City Suite
Lights Manager LITE (PLC)
Enterprise Buildings Integrator (EBI)
Digital Video Manager (DMV)
Operational Technology Platform
Honeywell Threat Defense Platform
Honeywell Forge Visitor and Contractor Management
Carbon and Energy Management
Predictive Maintenance
Pro-Watch Physical Identity and Access Control Management
Intelligent Command
Lobbyworks Visitor Management
IQ Panel Control Software (for MBSecure)
IQ MultiAccess (IQMA)
Honeywell Universal Surveillance (HUS)
Honeywell Secure Unified App
Building Management Systems
Honeywell Building Solutions
Building Management Systems
SAMBA ("Small and Medium Building Administrator")
EMaaS ("Energy Management as-a-Service")
Honeywell Building Solutions
Enterprise Buildings Integrator (EBI)
Honeywell Forge Visitor and Contractor Management
Pro-Watch Physical Identity and Access Control Management
IQ Panel Control Software (for MBSecure)
Honeywell Universal Surveillance (HUS)