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Project - HBS-RR-Earn-The-Employee-2880x1440px.jpg

Earn The Employee Commute Back to the Office

After working from the comforts of home, the transition back to the office has been a difficult sell from many companies to employees. By the end of 2023, though, it’s estimated that 90% of global knowledge workers will work in the office on either a full or part-time schedules[i].

Heading back into the office - even on a hybrid schedule - is a big adjustment for many people after working from home, where their workspace could be tailored to meet their individual needs, from the aesthetics to lighting to being able to control the temperature to their liking.

It’s safe to say that workers’ expectations have changed. Building owners and their tenants need to prioritize the modernization of the occupant experience to not only earn the commute of employees but also highlight the value of working from the office.

The digital transformation of buildings is helping to create a more human-focused experience. This means the convergence of the physical space and the virtual user experience. It’s up to building owners to make the most of that convergence by deploying new technologies that help enhance both comfort and productivity and create premium occupant experiences that help retain tenants – and, in turn, help them retain employees.

Imagine a truly customizable occupant experience. This would accommodate individual preferences where lighting, temperature and humidity can be adjusted – or one that could adapt to a company’s needs on a specific day by increasing air filtration and ventilation during an all-hands meeting.

Technology can create a more responsive environment that adapts to its users in buildings of any age. This marks the next step in digitalization – adding sensors, automation and advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms that can automatically make specific in-use zones more comfortable while better managing energy spent on heating or cooling unused areas and helping reduce demands on building managers. Frictionless experiences plus tools for collaboration and comfort can delight occupants. At the same time, integrated solutions like real-time data and predictive maintenance can allow building managers to shift their focus from ‘fixing’ to predicting. Technology that constantly predicts and adjusts to changes in the building environment can allow owners to benefit 24/7.

Whether an organization seeks to improve company culture, increase productivity, revenue or employee retention, prioritizing the occupant experience and leveraging advanced technologies to highlight the benefits of returning to the office will be key in helping earn back the commute from employees and driving the outcomes that help support business goals.

To learn more about how Honeywell can help you create an occupant-centered experience in your buildings, talk to one of our experts today.



[i] Gartner, Gartner Forecasts 39% of Global Knowledge Workers Will Work Hybrid by the End of 2023, March 2023 [Accessed October 11, 2023]

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