
    Website Tutorials

    How can we help? Get the support you need below.

    General Information

    Getting Started - Introduce Website

    Account Management - Add / Administer Users

    Product Customer

    Product Catalog Search / Navigate Catalog

    Quotes - Review / Raise Quotations

    Shopping Cart - Add / Remove to Cart

    Live Chat - Live Chat

    Checkout - Add Details for Checkout 

    Order Management - Check Order Status

    Service Customer

    Register account - Register account 

    Assign personas - Add New User

    Field Case creation - Create a New Field Case

    Case history - Review / Add Cases

    View contracts - MyContract Summary

    Contracts price updates - Contracts Escalation

    Maintenance plan - View Plan Summary

    Getting Started

    Overview of new site

    Account Management

    User account creation

    Assigning accounts & access

    Product Catalog

    Browsing product catalog

    Products details page


    Accessing 'My Quotes'

    Submit a quote request

    Shopping Cart

    Add products to cart

    Navigate your cart page

    Save a cart & restore it

    Live Chat

    Support via Live Chat


    Checkout experience

    Order Management

    Navigate orders page

    Orders details page

    Register account

    Assign personas

    Field Case Creation

    Case History

    View Contracts

    Contracts Price Updates

    Maintenance plan