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We don't live in a 9-5 world. Neither do our buildings.

Reduce the time it take to fix issues with 24-7-365 service coverage from a partner you can rely on.

Leave your toughest issues to the experts

Whether you need hands-on help or maintenance software support, protect your business and leave your toughest issues to the experts. Complex systems need complex solutions and one size does not fit all, but Honeywell is here to help. We leverage AI tools, digital infrastructure, cloud-based solutions and face-to-face support to cover all your bases.

Being unprepared could come at a price


Average productivity lost for
1 hour of system downtime

22M t

Average CO2 wasted
per year


Average cost of a
cyber breach

Service solutions designed to prepare, prevent and protect


An agnostic solution to total integration

Leverage a suite of capabilities to automate complex workflows; optimize energy use, safety and occupant experience; and gain the analytical insights to deliver savings throughout your enterprise.


Operational transformation begins with data

Identify issues before failures occur to improve building performance, promote asset longevity, and help reduce downtime and maintenance spend.


It’s time for building management to be proactive  

Honeywell delivers a powerful, secure cloud-based solution that leverages AI tools and digital infrastructure to improve building system uptime and reduce the number of service calls.


Safer buildings deliver better outcomes

Help make fire safety more dependable with an all-in-one cloud platform designed to maximize performance for our trusted detection and alarm systems.


Secure your data, people, and processes

Help protect operational technology (OT) from cyber threats and failures with comprehensive visibility, traffic analysis and threat detection.


Transform sustainability into business strategy

Manage energy use and Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions while controlling energy costs, without impacting the quality of occupant experiences.

Honeywell Buildings University

Our training offerings are developed and delivered by Honeywell industry experts. We employ comprehensive learning techniques and technologies to ensure your teams can maximize their capabilities. We look forward to enabling your success as you shape the future. Please visit My Honeywell Buildings University to self-register and explore the range of training.

Honeywell Users Group

HUG is a three-day symposium developed for customers. The annual event brings together an array of industry leaders, to share information, ideas, and experiences with peers from all over the world. This includes the opportunity to hear from peers and top industry experts with end-user-first content and dedicated industry breakouts aligned to key outcomes for your facilities.

Service your building can depend on

Speak to an expert