Legal Documents
- This page contains legal documents for conducting business with Building Automation (formerly known as Honeywell Building Technologies). Please select the relevant documents for your country or region, below.
- Cette page contient des documents juridiques permettant de faire affaire avec Building Automation (anciennement Honeywell Building Technologies). Veuillez sélectionner ci-dessous les documents pertinents pour votre pays ou votre région.
- Diese Seite enthält rechtliche Dokumente für die Geschäftsabwicklung mit Building Automation (früher bekannt als Honeywell Building Technologies). Bitte wählen Sie die entsprechenden Dokumente für Ihr Land oder Ihre Region aus.
- Questa pagina contiene documenti legali per condurre affari con Building Automation (precedentemente nota come Honeywell Building Technologies). Si prega di selezionare i documenti rilevanti per il proprio paese oq regione, al di sotto.
- Den här sidan innehåller juridiska dokument för att göra affärer med Building Automation (tidigare känd som Honeywell Building Technologies). Välj relevanta dokument för ditt land eller region, nedan.
- Esta página contiene documentos legales para realizar negocios con Building Automation (anteriormente conocido como Honeywell Building Technologies). Seleccione los documentos relevantes para su país o región, a continuación.
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - US, Canada & LATAM (as of 3.3.25)
BA T&Cs for Projects and Services - US (as of 12.10.2024)
BA T&C's Projects & Services Terms and Conditions - Brasil (Portuguese) (as of 12.6.2024)
BA T&C's for Projects & Services - Quebec (as of 12.6.2024)
BA T&C's Projects & Services Terms and Conditions - Mexico (Spanish) (as of 12.6.2024)
BA T&C's for Projects & Services - Canada (excluding Quebec) (as of 11.22.2024)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) (12.17.2024)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Mainland China (Simplied Chinese) (12.17.2024)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - APAC (English) (12.17.2024)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Korea (Korean) (12.17.2024)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Japan (Japanese) (12.17.2024)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - ASEAN (as of 12.11.2024)
BA T&Cs for Projects and Services - Thailand (as of 12.10.2024)
BA T&Cs for Projects and Services - Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) (as of 12.10.2024)
BA T&Cs for Projects and Services - Taiwan (as of 12.10.2024)
BA T&Cs for Projects and Services - Singapore (as of 12.10.2024)
BA T&Cs for Projects and Services - Malaysia (as of 12.10.2024)
BA T&Cs for Projects and Services - Macau (as of 12.10.2024)
BA T&Cs for Projects and Services - Korea (Korean) (as of 12.10.2024)
BA T&Cs for Projects and Services - Korea (as of 12.10.2024)
BA T&Cs for Projects and Services - Indonesia (Indonesian) (as of 12.10.2024)
BA T&Cs for Projects and Services - Indonesia (as of 12.10.2024)
BA T&Cs for Projects and Services - Hong Kong (as of 12.10.2024)
BA T&Cs for Projects and Services - China (as of 12.10.2024)
BA T&Cs for Projects and Services - China (Simplified Chinese) (as of 12.10.2024)
BA T&C's of Product Sales - APAC (as of 12.6.2024)
BA T&C’s for Projects and Services - India (as of 12.6.2024)
BA T&C's for Projects and Services - New Zealand (as of 12.6.2024)
BA T&C's Projects & Services Terms and Conditions - Korea (Korean) (as of 12.6.2024)
BA T&C's of Product Sales - Mainland China (Chinese) (as of 12.6.2024)
BA T&C's for Projects and Services - Australia (as of 12.6.2024)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Australia (as of 5.2.2024)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - New Zealand (as of 5.2.2024)
BA T&Cs for Suppliers - Australia (as of 5.2.2024)
BA T&Cs for Suppliers - New Zealand (as of 5.2.2024)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales – UK & Rest of Europe (2.25.2025)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - The Netherlands (12.18.2024)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Spain (12.17.2024)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Italy (12.17.2024)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Germany, Austria & Switzerland (12.17.2024)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - France (12.17.2024)
BA T&Cs for Projects and Services - Sweden (Swedish) (as of 12.11.2024)
BA T&Cs for Projects and Services - Norway (Norwegian) (as of 12.16.2024)
BA T&Cs for Projects and Services - Finland (Finnish) (as of 12.16.2024)
BA T&Cs for Projects and Services - Denmark (Danish) (as of 12.16.2024)
BA T&C's Projects & Services Terms and Conditions - Romania (Romanian) (as of 12.6.2024)
BA T&C's for Projects & Services - Austria (German) (as of 12.6.2024)
BA T&C's for Projects & Services - Belgium (French) (as of 12.6.2024)
BA T&C's for Projects & Services - France (French) (as of 12.6.2024)
BA T&C's for Projects & Services - Germany (German) (as of 12.6.2024)
BA T&Cs for Projects and Services - Hungary (Hungarian) (as of 12.17.2024)
BA T&C's for Projects & Services - Italy (Italian) (as of 12.6.2024)
BA T&C's for Projects & Services - Netherlands (Dutch) (as of 9.30.2024)
BA T&C's Projects & Services Terms and Conditions - Poland (Polish) (as of 12.6.2024)
BA T&C's for Projects & Services - Spain (Spanish) (as of 12.6.2024)
BA T&C's for Projects & Services - Switzerland (German) (as of 12.6.2024)
BA T&C's Projects & Services - United Kingdom (as of 12.6.2024)
Middle East
Middle East
BA T&Cs of Product Sales – Middle East & Africa (excluding Turkey) (as of 3.4.2025)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Turkey (as of 12.19.2024)
BA T&Cs for Projects and Services - Turkey (as of 12.11.2024)
BA T&C's Projects & Services - Abu Dhabi (as of 12.6.2024)
BA T&C's Projects & Services - Dubai (as of 12.6.2024)
BA T&C's for Projects & Services - Oman (12.6.2024)
BA T&C's for Projects and Services - Qatar (as of 12.6.2024)
BA T&C's for Projects & Services - Kuwait (12.6.2024)
BA T&C's for Projects and Services - Saudi Arabia (as of 12.6.2024)
BA T&C's for Projects & Services - South Africa (12.6.2024)
Trademark Guidelines
Trademark Guidelines
Trademark Use Guidelines (as of 12.6.21)
Honeywell Contractors
Honeywell Contractors
BA Building Solutions Subcontracting Agreement - US & CAN (as of 10.23.24)
BA T&Cs for Project Specific PO Subcontracting Agreement - US (as of 10.18.24)
Legal Documents Archive
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - US, Canada & LATAM (as of 3.4.2024)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - US, Canada & LATAM (as of 11.28.2023)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Americas (as of 02.03.22)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Americas (as of 12.16.21)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - US (as of 5.5.2022)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - US, Canada & LATAM (as of 3.28.2023)
HBT T&Cs for Labor and Installation - US, Canada & LATAM (as of 8.19.2023)
HBT T&Cs for Labor and Installation - US, Canada & LATAM (as of 4.27.2023)
BA T&Cs for Services - US, Canada & LATAM (as of 1.30.2024)
HBT T&Cs for Services - US, Canada & LATAM (as of 8.19.2023)
HBT T&Cs for Services - US, Canada & LATAM (as of 4.27.2023)
BA T&Cs for Services - US, Canada & LATAM (as of 4.1.2024)
BA T&Cs for Labor and Installation - US, Canada & LATAM (as of 4.1.2024)
BA T&Cs for Projects & Services - US (as of 10.15.2024)
BA T&C's Projects & Services Terms and Conditions - Brasil (as of 11.26.2024)
BA T&C's for Projects & Services - Mexico (as of 11.26.2024)
BA T&Cs for Services - Canada (as of 12.1.2022) (Fr)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Australia & New Zealand (as of 11.1.2023)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Korea (as of 3.3.2023)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Japan (as of 2.6.2023)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - China (as of 2.6.2023)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - APAC (as of 12.22.2022)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - APAC (as of 3.28.2022)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Asia-Pacific (as of 02.03.22)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Asia-Pacific (as of 12.16.21)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - China (as of 3.28.2022)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Japan (as of 3.28.2022)
BA T&Cs for Services - APAC (as 10.1.2022)
BA T&Cs for Services - India (as of 7.1.2023)
BA T&Cs for Services - Indonesia (as of 5.7.2024)
BA T&Cs for Services - Malaysia (as of 5.7.2024)
BA T&Cs for Services - Singapore (as of 5.7.2024)
BA T&Cs for Services - Thailand (as of 5.7.2024)
BA T&Cs for Labor and Installation - India (as of 7.1.2023)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - UK & Remaining EMEA Countries (as of 9.1.2023)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Spain (as of 9.1.2023)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Italy (as of 9.1.2023)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Germany, Austria & Switzerland (as of 9.1.2023)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - France (as of 9.1.2023)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales – UK & Rest of Europe (12.17.2024)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Turkey (as of 12.19.2024)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - The Netherlands (12.18.2024)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Spain (12.17.2024)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Italy (12.17.2024)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Germany, Austria & Switzerland (12.17.2024)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - France (12.17.2024)
HBT T&Cs for Services - France (as of 12.1.2022)
HBT T&Cs for Services - Germany (as of 11.1.2022)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - France (as of 3.3.2023)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - France (as of 2.6.2023)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - France (as of 5.5.2022)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - France (as of 12.16.21)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Germany, Austria & Switzerland (as of 4.28.2023)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Germany & Switzerland (as of 2.6.2023)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Germany (as of 5.5.2022)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Germany (as of 02.03.22)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Germany (as of 12.16.21)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Italy (as of 3.3.2023)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Italy (as of 5.5.2022)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Italy (as of 12.16.21)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Spain (as of 3.3.2023)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Spain (as of 5.5.2022)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Spain (as of 02.03.22)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Spain (as of 12.16.21)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales – UK (as of 5.5.2020)
BA T&Cs for Services - Austria (as of 1.1.2023)
BA T&Cs for Services - France & Belgium (as of 1.1.2023)
BA T&Cs for Services - Spain (as of 4.5.2023)
BA T&Cs for Services - Germany (as of 1.1.2023)
BA T&Cs for Services - Netherlands (as of 12.1.2022)
BA T&Cs for Services - Poland (as of 2.1.2023)
BA T&Cs for Services - Remaining EMEA Countries (as of 10.1.2022)
BA T&Cs for Services - Switzerland (as of 1.1.2023)
BA T&Cs for Services - UK (as of 12.1.2022)
BA T&Cs for Projects and Services - Hungary (as of 12.16.2024)
Middle East
Middle East
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Middle East, Turkey & Africa (as of 12.22.2022)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Middle East & Africa (as of 12.19.2024)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Remaining EMEA Countries (as of 12.16.21)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Remaining EMEA Countries (as of 02.03.22)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Remaining EMEA Countries (as of 5.5.2022)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Remaining EMEA Countries (as of 2.7.2023).pdf
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Middle East, Turkey & Africa (as of 3.29.2022)
Tridium General Terms and Conditions (as of 7.28.23)
Tridium SaaS Terms and Conditions (as of 7.28.23)
Tridium SaaS Terms and Conditions (as of 12.1.23)
Tridium General Terms and Conditions (as of 12.1.23)
Honeywell Forge SaaS Terms and Conditions (as of 1.1.24)
Honeywell Forge General Terms and Conditions (as of 5.22.24)