Legal Documents
- This page contains legal documents for conducting business with Building Automation (formerly known as Honeywell Building Technologies). Please select the relevant documents for your country or region, below.
- Cette page contient des documents juridiques permettant de faire affaire avec Building Automation (anciennement Honeywell Building Technologies). Veuillez sélectionner ci-dessous les documents pertinents pour votre pays ou votre région.
- Diese Seite enthält rechtliche Dokumente für die Geschäftsabwicklung mit Building Automation (früher bekannt als Honeywell Building Technologies). Bitte wählen Sie die entsprechenden Dokumente für Ihr Land oder Ihre Region aus.
- Questa pagina contiene documenti legali per condurre affari con Building Automation (precedentemente nota come Honeywell Building Technologies). Si prega di selezionare i documenti rilevanti per il proprio paese oq regione, al di sotto.
- Den här sidan innehåller juridiska dokument för att göra affärer med Building Automation (tidigare känd som Honeywell Building Technologies). Välj relevanta dokument för ditt land eller region, nedan.
- Esta página contiene documentos legales para realizar negocios con Building Automation (anteriormente conocido como Honeywell Building Technologies). Seleccione los documentos relevantes para su país o región, a continuación.
BA T&Cs for Services - Canada (as of 12.1.2022) (Fr)
BA T&Cs for Services - US, Canada & LATAM (as of 4.1.2024)
BA T&Cs for Labor and Installation - US, Canada & LATAM (as of 4.1.2024)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - US, Canada & LATAM (as of 3.4.2024)
Building Solutions Subcontract Agreement - US & Canada (as of 6.1.2024)
BA T&Cs for Labor and Installation - India (as of 7.1.2023)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - APAC (as of 12.22.2022)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Australia (as of 5.2.2024)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - China (as of 2.6.2023)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Japan (as of 2.6.2023)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Korea (as of 3.3.2023)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - New Zealand (as of 5.2.2024)
BA T&Cs of Purchase - Australia (as of 5.2.2024)
BA T&Cs of Purchase - New Zealand (as of 5.2.2024)
BA T&Cs for Services - APAC (as 10.1.2022)
BA T&Cs for Services - India (as of 7.1.2023)
BA T&Cs for Services - Indonesia (as of 5.7.2024)
BA T&Cs for Services - Malaysia (as of 5.7.2024)
BA T&Cs for Services - Singapore (as of 5.7.2024)
BA T&Cs for Services - Thailand (as of 5.7.2024)
Europe Middle East & Africa
Europe Middle East & Africa
BA T&Cs for Services - Austria (as of 1.1.2023)
BA T&Cs for Services - France & Belgium (as of 1.1.2023)
BA T&Cs for Services - Germany (as of 1.1.2023)
BA T&Cs for Services - Netherlands (as of 12.1.2022)
BA T&Cs for Services - Poland (as of 2.1.2023)
BA T&Cs for Services - Remaining EMEA Countries (as of 10.1.2022)
BA T&Cs for Services - Spain (as of 4.5.2023)
BA T&Cs for Services - Switzerland (as of 1.1.2023)
BA T&Cs for Services - UK (as of 12.1.2022)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - France (as of 9.1.2023)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Germany, Austria & Switzerland (as of 9.1.2023)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Italy (as of 9.1.2023)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Middle East, Turkey & Africa (as of 12.22.2022)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Spain (as of 9.1.2023)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - UK & Remaining EMEA Countries (as of 9.1.2023)
Trademark Guidelines
Trademark Guidelines
Trademark Use Guidelines (as of 12.6.21)
Legal Documents Archive
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - US, Canada & LATAM (as of 11.28.2023)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Americas (as of 02.03.22)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Americas (as of 12.16.21)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - US (as of 5.5.2022)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - US, Canada & LATAM (as of 3.28.2023)
HBT T&Cs for Labor and Installation - US, Canada & LATAM (as of 8.19.2023)
HBT T&Cs for Labor and Installation - US, Canada & LATAM (as of 4.27.2023)
BA T&Cs for Services - US, Canada & LATAM (as of 1.30.2024)
HBT T&Cs for Services - US, Canada & LATAM (as of 8.19.2023)
HBT T&Cs for Services - US, Canada & LATAM (as of 4.27.2023)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - APAC (as of 3.28.2022)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales - Australia & New Zealand (as of 11.1.2023)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Asia-Pacific (as of 02.03.22)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Asia-Pacific (as of 12.16.21)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - China (as of 3.28.2022)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Japan (as of 3.28.2022)
Europe Middle East & Africa
Europe Middle East & Africa
HBT T&Cs for Services - France (as of 12.1.2022)
HBT T&Cs for Services - Germany (as of 11.1.2022)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - France (as of 3.3.2023)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - France (as of 2.6.2023)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - France (as of 5.5.2022)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - France (as of 12.16.21)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Germany, Austria & Switzerland (as of 4.28.2023)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Germany & Switzerland (as of 2.6.2023)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Germany (as of 5.5.2022)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Germany (as of 02.03.22)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Germany (as of 12.16.21)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Italy (as of 3.3.2023)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Italy (as of 5.5.2022)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Italy (as of 12.16.21)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Middle East, Turkey & Africa (as of 3.29.2022)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Remaining EMEA Countries (as of 2.7.2023).pdf
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Remaining EMEA Countries (as of 5.5.2022)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Remaining EMEA Countries (as of 02.03.22)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Remaining EMEA Countries (as of 12.16.21)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Spain (as of 3.3.2023)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Spain (as of 5.5.2022)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Spain (as of 02.03.22)
HBT T&Cs of Product Sales - Spain (as of 12.16.21)
BA T&Cs of Product Sales – UK (as of 5.5.2020)