Air Quality Sensors
NO2 Room Monitor
The NO2 Room Series monitors nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels and is designed for the continuous monitoring of vehicle exhaust in non-hazardous areas.
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The NO2 Room Series monitors nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels and is designed for the continuous monitoring of vehicle exhaust in non-hazardous areas. This series uses a wide spectrum, electrochemical sensor to measure the amount of nitrogen dioxide in the environment. It is offered with an operating range of 0 to 6 ppm.
Features & Benefits:- NO2 Room transmitter is o¬ffered in a standard NEMA 1 rated ABS Polycarbonate plastic enclosure
- An optional NEMA 4X watertight and dust proof enclosure is also available
- Applications in Parking Garages, Kitchens, Laundry Rooms etc
- NEMA Rated
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