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The New Standard in Life Safety

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Safer buildings deliver better outcomes. That’s why Honeywell is on a mission to set a new standard in life safety with Connected Life Safety Services (CLSS), an end-to-end platform that leverages the power of cloud-connected technology, placing connectivity at the heart of life safety.


Complete Connectivity with CLSS

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Quick and accurate alarm transmission

Faster and more accurate alarm communication with the speed and reliability of today’s 5G networks.


A signal you can trust 

With the deregulation of legacy telephone lines, connection to a CLSS-enabled 5G communicator ensures a more secure line and eliminates service calls and other expenses for communication issues. 

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Compliance on-hand

Store digital inspection reports in the secure cloud for immediate retrieval for AHJ or insurance company review.


Complete line of site monitoring

Remote access to the fire alarm panel via the CLSS app allows you to see what’s going on at your facility anytime, anywhere. 

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Less downtime and disruption

System visibility allows your alarm service provider to know exactly what the issue is before arriving on-site, ensuring they have what they need to reduce disruption and increase first-time fix rates.


Learn how Honeywell is placing connectivity at the heart of life safety. 


Experience a safer building with a more reliable connection.


Better visibility and connectivity with the CLSS tool suite.

CLSS is available through all Honeywell channels and with Honeywell and 3rd party alarm transmission communicators.

Talk to a Honeywell Expert

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