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Funding School Indoor Air Quality Upgrades

Karen Cooper, director of offering management, Honeywell Building Technologies 

In August of 2022 I joined Robin Hattersley with Campus Safety Magazine to talk about the federal funds available for schools to improve their indoor air quality. According to the CDC, fewer than 40% of schools have replaced or upgraded their HVAC systems since the start of the pandemic[i]. While some of those funding sources are no longer available since the original podcast recording, significant funding opportunities remain for schools to leverage.

Listen to the podcast to learn more about funding and how schools can prioritize their needs and develop a long-term strategy for indoor air quality upgrades and contact us to find out how we can help improve your school's IAQ.

[i] Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Ventilation Improvement Strategies Among K–12 Public Schools, June 12th, 2022. [Accessed August 29, 2022]