Air Quality Sensors
Methane Gas Detector
The methane detector is part of gas detectors for industrial and tertiary use and Detector is equipped with a head catalytic sensitive element that measures the concentration of the explosive gas.
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The methane detector is part of gas detectors for industrial and tertiary use. The detector is equipped with a head with a catalytic sensitive element that measures the concentration of the explosive gas on the scale of the LEL (Lower Explosive Limit) and LEI, with a full scale of 100% LEL.A Android application or PC software is available. Which allow field testing of the detector and modification of the configuration. The 700 series gas detectors are composed of two electronic boards; one that manages the calibration and compensation algorithms of the sensitive element, while the other with 4-20mA output interfaces directly with the G100 control unit or through the MMT / IIG4N module with the AM4000G control unit. Version with ATEX II 2G Ex-d IIC T6 Gb enclosure.
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