Noise Sensors
IDENTLOC Glass Breakage Sensor
Opening monitoring and monitoring for glass breakage. Suitable for windows or doors with glass insert.
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Opening monitoring and monitoring for glass breakage. Suitable for windows or doors with glass insert.
Features & Benefits:- Inductive Transmission System = No Cable Linkrequired Between The Fixed And The Moving Part
- Sensors As Surface Mounting Version Or Forconcealed Mounting (Slimline)
- For Use In Multiple Locking
- Up To 4 IDENTLOC Sensors Can Be Connected
- In Addition, 1 Differential Detector Group Withclear Function
- Tamper-Proof
- In Combination With The Transmitter Unit, Each Codecarrier From The IDENT-KEY Product Series Can Be Used, Resulting In Versatile Applications
- Low Mounting Outlay
- G199509 (IDT), Class B
- Vds Approval
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