Fire Stations
Illuminated Speaker
Awakens first responders with soft-start LED lighting and audio alerts
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The Phoenix G2 Illuminated Speaker incorporates a speaker and long-lasting LED lighting, offering luminosity without causing light blindness.
Designed to assist first responders out of bed, out of the room and down the hall, it offers soft-start, ramped night lighting at the time of dispatch.
Each speaker is fitted with high-intensity red LEDs, which provide exceptional luminosity without causing light blindness due to dark-to-bright transition.
The speakers receive power from the ATX Station Controller, Message Remote or Room Remote 2. Recommended installation locations include dorm rooms, hallways and common areas.
Features & Benefits:- Features & Benefits
- High-intensity red LED lights
- Soft-start ramped lighting at dispatch
- Exceptional luminosity without causing light blindness
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