Smoke Detectors
FSP-951 Series Photoelectric Thermal Smoke Detector
FSP-951 Smoke Detectors intelligently designed for both performance and aesthetics with new modern, sleek, contemporary design
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FSP-951 Smoke Detectors are intelligent plug-in smoke detectors designed for both performance and aesthetics, and are direct replacements for the FSP-851 Series. A new modern, sleek, contemporary design and enhanced optical sensing chamber is engineered to sense smoke produced by a wide range of combustion sources in accordance with more stringent code standards Dual electronic thermistors add 135°F (57°C) fixed temperature thermal sensing on the FSP-951T. The FSP-951R is a remote test capable detector for use with DNR Series duct detector housings. FSP-951 series detectors are available for both FlashScan® and CLIP applications as designated The FSP-951 Series detector sensitivity can be programmed in the control panel software. Sensitivity is continuously monitored and reported to the panel. Point ID capability allows each detector’s address to be set with rotary, decimal address switches, providing exact detector location for selective maintenance when chamber contamination reaches an unacceptable level
Features & Benefits:- Two-wire SLC loop connection
- Addressable by device
- Unique single-source design to respond quickly and dependably to a broad range of fires
- Sealed against back pressure
- Designed for direct-surface or electrical-box mounting
- UL/ULC Listing: S1115
- FM Approved
- CSFM: 7272-0028:0503
- Brand
- System Sensor
- Brand
- System Sensor
- Brand : NOTIFIER|System Sensor
Data Sheet
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