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    Air Quality Sensors

    Sensepoint Sensor

    The Sensepoint range of flammable, toxic and oxygen gas detectors offer users a low cost solution to their gas monitoring needs, in or out of doors and even in potentially explosive atmospheres

    The Sensepoint range of flammable, toxic and oxygen gas detectors offer users a low cost solution to their gas monitoring needs, in or out of doors and even in potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX approval only). Supplied with a pre-wired junction box, the detector can be installed using conduit or armored cable and glands depending on individual site standards. The junction box includes a hinged lid to ensure both hands are free to complete electrical connections. Threaded M20 as well as 3/4 in. and 1/2” NPT clearance entries are included as standard, each one fitted with an appropriate seal, so enabling the user to select the most convenient entry size to use. Each ATEX approved Sensepoint is supplied complete with pre-wired universal junction box (1 x threaded M20, 1x clearance 3/4 in. NPT, 1 x clearance 1/2 in. NPT, 3 x approved stopping plugs, earth continuity plate)
    Honeywell will provide product support until
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    Sensepoint Sensor, Carbon monoxide, 0 to 200ppm
    Sensepoint Sensor, Carbon monoxide, 0 to 200ppm