

PC-803 Protocol Converter

PC-803 Protocol Converters are RF-Ethernet Protocol Converters typically installed in the guestroom or in other locations in proximity to the guestroom and again is used to bridge wired Ethernet to the room-level RF network.


PC-803 Protocol Converters are RF-Ethernet Protocol Converters typically installed in the guestroom or in other locations in proximity to the guestroom and again is used to bridge wired Ethernet to the room-level RF network.

Features & Benefits:
  • 10MBit Ethernet
  • Supports PoE
  • 128 bit AES encryption
  • Typical indoor RF range up to 100ft


  • Maximum Outside Transmission Distance
    • 100 foot
  • Maximum Inside Transmission Distance
    • 100 foot
  • Communications Protocol
    • 802.15.4
  • Brand
    • Honeywell Hospitality


  • Maximum Outside Transmission Distance
    • 100 foot
  • Maximum Inside Transmission Distance
    • 100 foot
  • Communications Protocol
    • 802.15.4
  • Brand
    • Honeywell Hospitality
  • Maximum Outside Transmission Distance : 100 foot
  • Maximum Inside Transmission Distance : 100 foot
  • Communications Protocol : 802.15.4
  • Brand : Honeywell Hospitality
Part Number
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