Contrôleurs d’installation et d’intégration
301C Gas Detection Controller
Designed for simple installation and operation, 301C controllers continuously monitor and control toxic gases, combustible gases. and oxygen hazards.
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301C gas detection controllers offer unique zoning capabilities which permit the averaging and comparison of multiple sensor readings. Zoning can reduce operational costs by ensuring that localized brief fluctuations registered at a single transmitter do not activate relays. For example, a car idling in a parking structure may locally increase a reading at a nearby transmitter. Rather than activating a fan as a result of the temporary localized fluctuation, zoning can be used to limit relay activation until the average reading for a zone exceeds a setpoint. This can reduce runtime of fans, yielding savings in both energy usage and wear and tear. 301C gas detection controllers have the capacity to manage input from three Modbus channels for up to 96 transmitters and up to 50 wireless transmitters that can be associated with up to 126 zones. Transmitters can belong to an unlimited number of zones, providing maximum operational and control flexibility. Super easy to install and implement as part of your buildings integrated gas monitoring system, 301C gas detection controllers continuously monitor and control toxic gases for upwards of 96 Honeywell E3Point monitors connected by daisy-chain.
Features & Benefits:- User friendly with zero maintenance
- Low installation costs
- Automatic quick self-test and warm-up
- Optional BACnet/IP interface, BACnet testing laboratories (BTL) listed as a smart sensor for digital communication
- Communication line lengths up to 2,000 ft (609 m) per channel
- Brand
- Honeywell
- Brand
- Honeywell
- Brand : Honeywell|
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