Centrales d’alarme incendie
MS-5UD & MS-10UD Fire Alarm Control Panels
MS-5UD & MS-10UD fire alarm control panels provide reliable fire signaling protection for small- to medium-sized commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings.
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MS-5UD & MS-10UD fire alarm control panels provide reliable fire signaling protection for small- to medium-sized commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings. These FACPs are compatible with System Sensor® i3 detectors, which are conventional smoke detectors that can transmit a maintenance trouble signal to the FACP indicating the need for cleaning and a supervisory ‘freeze’ signal when the ambient temperature falls below the detector rating of approximately 45 °F. They are also compatible with conventional input devices such as 2-wire smoke detectors, 4-wire smoke detectors, pull stations, water flow devices, tamper switches, and other normally open contact devices.
Features & Benefits:
- Built-in digital alarm communicator/transmitter (DACT)
- Five programmable Style B (Class B) initiating device circuits (IDCs)
- Four Style Y (Class B) notification appliance circuits (NACs)
- Three programmable Form C relays
- Built-in programmer
- Touch-tone/rotary dialing
- Programmable make/break ratio
- 80-character LCD display (backlit)
- Real-time clock/calendar with daylight saving time control
- History log with 256 event storage
- UL Listed: File S624
- FM Approved
- CSFM: 7165-0075:0214
- MEA: MEA: 333-07-E
- Brand
- Fire-Lite
- Product Type
- Conventional
- Conventional / Addressable
- Conventional
- Brand
- Fire-Lite
- Product Type
- Conventional
- Conventional / Addressable
- Conventional
- Brand : Fire-Lite|
- Product Type : Conventional|
- Conventional / Addressable : Conventional|
Installation Instructions
Manuals and Guides
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