
    Équipement de test du détecteur

    VSP Benchmark Test Point

    VSP benchmark test points placed along the pipes run from the ASD and provide a means to validate the integrity of the system and pipe network.


    VSP benchmark test points are designed to be placed along the pipes run from the ASD, and provide a means to validate the integrity of the system and pipe network. When properly designed and installed, benchmark test points are positioned in accessible locations and provide users with a means to temporarily open when testing. VSP benchmark test points are designed to simplify construction and enhance usability by providing robust, normally closed (NC) fail-safe operation. While there are requirements in various codes, standards, and end user practices for acceptable smoke transport time from the last sampling point, benchmark data needs to be established to qualify the integrity of pipe networks. The benchmark test points should not be confused with the last sampling point on the pipe run. 

    Features & Benefits:
    • Convenient system performance verification from an accessible location
    • Normally closed fail-safe design
    • Quick connect/disconnect
    • Quality robust construction
    • New and retrofit friendly
    • Readily available commissioning data
    • Standard 3/4-inch CPVC pipe interface
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