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From fire protection to fire prevention

We harness the power of hardware and software to put connectivity at the heart of fire and life safety.

Peace of mind at all times

Honeywell Connected Life Safety Services (CLSS) offer you a compliant, reliable, and remote fire and life safety solution that helps you minimize downtime and facility disruptions

Streamlining Fire and Life Safety

System Compliance

With Honeywell CLSS, you enhance device testing with access to template-based or customized compliance reports anytime, anywhere.

Better Planning Tools and Reduced Downtime

CLSS enables site managers to identify and fix issues before they turn into costly problems. System maintenance is quick and has minimal impact on business operations.

Holistic View and Real Time Information

With CLSS you can view all of your facilities and ensure sites are operating effectively. Cross-site connectivity provides insight into scheduled system testing, inspection reports, and device inventory.


Honeywell is committed to proactively monitoring the cybersecurity landscape, as well as ensuring data is safely stored and accessed by permitted system users only.

Request your live demo today

Discover what your facility can achieve when you have NOTIFIER software solutions working for you.