
Detect early. Respond quickly.

We have the most advanced and reliable early warning solutions. Because the sooner you know about incipient fire signatures, the faster you can respond.

We give you what's most valuable in an emergency. An early warning.

Aspirating smoke detectors are constantly "breathing" in air. The moment a trace of smoke is detected, you're alerted. We even provide very early detection of dangerous gases created by lithium-ion battery failure.

Aspirating Smoke Detection

Our VESDA line features detection for both smoke and gas, plus protection in industrial applications and business critical environments.

Off-Gas Detection

Li-ion Tamer monitors gas released by lithium-ion batteries. Early detection helps avoid a catastrophic thermal runaway failure.

Case studies

Learn more about our Advanced Detection products.

The most effective way to keep a small threat from becoming a larger one is detection at the very earliest stages. That's the mission. Our Early Detection products help you accomplish it.