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    An ally in the battle against complexity

    Increasing mandates, shrinking budgets, aging buildings — you’ve got a lot to do with fewer resources. We’ve helped government agencies around the world respond with smart solutions. We’re ready to help you.

    A united front, from tackling budgets to cybersecurity

    How do we help meet your cybersecurity, energy mandate and operating cost challenges? By using existing and emerging technologies to achieve greater visibility, measurement and performance. With integration, we can even enhance your resource resilience.
    The State of Public Buildings

    Many buildings around the world are in urgent need of upgrades. 

    Read our blog to learn more about the current state of public buildings and the path forward.

    Cybersecurity for your OT Environment

    Cybersecurity is mission critical for protecting your people, process and technologies. 

    Our portfolio of cyber-secure solutions can increase your cyber resilience.

    Smarter and More Resilient Cities

    Reduce the time to deliver emergency services, improve the efficiency of urban mobility systems, integrate information across city departments and deploy energy efficient solutions to enhance citizen engagement with Honeywell’s solution suite for smart cities.

    Energy and Carbon Reduction

    We have decades of experience helping government customers create tailored energy strategies. Create better citizen experiences, become more resilient and meet your sustainability goals.

    Your Results are Our Mission

    Honeywell has worked closely with military installations globally to deliver some of the world’s most effective technologies and capabilities for comprehensive energy management and cost-reduction strategies. Read our brochure to learn more.

    Integrated Operations

    Automate complex workflows; optimize energy use, safety and occupant experiences; and gain the analytical insights to deliver savings throughout your city operations with our Integrated Operations platform.

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