Housings & Hardware
Doormaster-Smart-PAL-Telephone interface
Doormaster-Smart-PAL-Telephone interface
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DOORMASTER-SMART-PAL-Telephone interface is used for recording the announcements via similar telephone system in VARIODYN D1 voice alarm system. Up to 4 different call circuits or areas can be addressed using the telephone system. For this purpose 1+ 4 control contacts are available for switching on and/or zone selection.
The connection of telephone interface to VARIODYN D1 takes place via control inputs and audio input of UIM Part. No. 583331.21. 12 V operating voltage can be generated from 24 V emergency power supply with voltage converter Part No. 781336 that is available in the voice alarm system. The voltage converter can be mounted in housing Part No. 788603 on the C-rail in rack.
The programming takes place with MFV post dial, so that the device can also be used from distance.
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