Power Supplies
Backup Power Supply Module
Power supply modules are backup power supplies and battery chargers to be used inside alarm devices.
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Power supply modules are backup power supplies and battery chargers used inside the alarm devices. The exit is protected against overloads, short circuits and inversion accidental battery terminals. Power supply modules includes power connectors for control panels, network presence indicator, voltage adjustment trimmer, protection fuses (F3 and F6). The power supplies has an output voltage of 13.8Vdc; small variations can be obtained using the voltage adjustment trimmer. The network presence indicator light indicates the presence of mains voltage on the terminals entrance. Protection fuse F6 protects the power supplies from reversals accidental connections with the battery and protection fuse F3 protects the power supplies from overloads and short circuits.
Features & Benefits:- Protection against overloads and short circuits
- IQNET Certified
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