Aspirating Smoke Detector
VESDA Gateway
VESDA Gateway with VHX-1420-HFS
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- Communicates with the VHX-1420-HFS using Modbus protocol via RS-232 connection.
- Supervises the communications to the VHX-1420-HFS.
- Monitors up to 100 detectors.
- Displays VESDA detectors as type “Aspiration” on the display nodes.
- Monitors VESDAnet detector events from NCA-2, LCD2-80
- ONYXWorks, and NFS2-3030 configured for Network Display Mode.
- Controls VESDAnet detector functions from NCA-2, ONYXWorks, or AFP-3030 configured for Network Display Mode.
- Performs Read Status of VESDAnet detectors from NCA-2,
- LCD-160, ONYXWorks, and NFS2-3030 configured for Network Display Mode.
- Enables zone mapping.
- Provides DCC mode as required for Canadian applications.
- The VESDA-HLI-GW translates VESDAnet protocol to NFN
- protocol, enabling events on the VESDAnet to be annunciated on compatible fire network annunciators, including FACP.
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