VESDA Front Cover
Xtralis spare front cover is use with the VESDA-E VES & VESDA-E VEP Aspirating Smoke Detector. It consist of plastic with 3.5in Display size.
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Xtralis spare front cover is use with the VESDA-E VES & VESDA-E VEP Aspirating Smoke Detector. The VESDA-E VES is similar to the flagship VESDA-E VEP aspirating smoke detector but also includes a valve mechanism in the inlet manifold and software to control the airflow from the four Sectors (pipes). This configuration enables a single zone to be divided into four separate sectors, for example, distinguishing between separate aisles within a data room.
Features & Benefits:- Used for VESDA-E VES & VESDA-E VEP aspirating detector
- Spare Front Cover
- UL
Data Sheet
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