Flow Switches & Sensors
Freeze Stats (FS) Manual & Automatic with Relay
Freeze Stats (FS) Manual & Automatic with Relays are designed for use on HVAC equipment that requires low-temperature cutout protection to prevent cooling coils from freezing.
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Freeze Stats (FS) Manual & Automatic with Relays are designed for use on HVAC equipment that requires low-temperature cutout protection to prevent cooling coils from freezing. They should be mounted between the heating and cooling coils on the supply side of the fan unit. They respond to the lowest temperature sensed along any 1 foot section of the sensing element. The FS Series has manual and automatic reset versions, as well as, models that feature one or two sets of SPDT contacts. Numerous capillary lengths are also available.
Certifications:- 2002/95/EC
- CE
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