Heat Detectors
FDD Series Mechanical Heat Detector
FDD Series mechanical heat detectors offer property protection against fire and are intended for non-life-safety installations where smoke detectors are inappropriate.
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FDD Series mechanical heat detectors offer property protection against fire and are intended for non-life-safety installations where smoke detectors are inappropriate. The fusible link mechanism, when operated, shall be held firmly in place such that the contacts
are prohibited from changing state
Features & Benefits:- The interior sealed chamber allows the unit to be installed in dusty, acidic and caustic environments.
- The fusible link mechanism, when released, will keep the contacts in alarm condition until the panel is reset.
- Separate terminal screws are available for the connection of each circuit wire, up to 12AWG.
- There is room between the detector and the electrical back box to allow for the installation of system-specific addressable modules.
- UL
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