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Shaping the Future of Fire and Life Safety
5 May 2021
You rely on your life safety systems to keep you, your facilities, and your occupants safe, which is why choosing the right system is one of the most important decisions you make. In today’s technology-driven world, you want something that is reliable, low maintenance, connected, and flexible – helping you do more, more efficiently.
The NOTIFIER INSPIRE™ Series has been developed with these needs in mind, laying the foundation for the future of fire protection. With NOTIFIER INSPIRE™, you unleash brand new protection capabilities for your facility, including the first UL-approved detectors that can be tested automatically.
Gone are the days of frequent equipment changes, lengthy maintenance visits, and systems that don’t communicate. Keep reading to learn why the NOTIFIER INSPIRE™ Series is the most intuitive and intelligent system yet.
Unmatched Scalability
This scalable, single panel solution is designed to grow with your needs. With a NOTIFIER INSPIRE™ panel, you can easily expand your system by adding more buildings or increasing functionality without needing additional hardware. This reduces the amount of equipment needed, saving you time and money.
Enhanced Efficiency
When coupled with Honeywell’s Connected Life Safety Services (CLSS) software, technicians have real-time visibility into what is happening at your facility, allowing them to diagnose problems before they arrive on site. This increases first time fix rates and limits unnecessary building disruptions.
Going one step further, you can leverage the power of NOTIFIER’s three-pronged approach: NOTIFIER INSPIRE™, CLSS, and NOTIFIER Self-Test series of detectors. Together, these integrated technologies reduce the amount of time it takes to conduct your annual test and inspection from days and weeks to hours and minutes, delivering digital compliance reports via your mobile or desktop devices at the touch of a button.
Secure System Connectivity
A NOTIFIER INSPIRE™ panel is the foundation on which everything else is built. Once you have this system installed at your facility, the possibilities are endless with game-changing capabilities just waiting to be unlocked. In addition to CLSS and NOTIFIER Self-Test detectors, the NOTIFIER INSPIRE™ Series also supports advanced detection solutions, digital voice command for emergency communications, and more.
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