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Don't just be a partner. Be a Catalyst
The catalyst Partner Program rewards you for your business success by providing benefits designed to help your business grow further.
What is Catalyst Partner Program
We're transforming the way we support you with a new tiered approach to rewards and recognition. Based on your success, you'll qualify for a Honeywell Silver, Gold or Platinum membership. As our business partnership grows, our level of support increases in the form of account management, visits, and reviews at each tier. The benefits we offer follow this same trajectory, with increasing access to discounts, rebates, market development funds and more. Our aim is to support the growth of your business, and help maximize the competitive advantage you gain from choosing Honeywell.
Benefits & Entitlements
Based on your partner membership, you will earn benefits and rewards such as exclusive marketing support and rebates.
Your tier status, whether Silver, Gold or Platinum, depends on specific criteria. At the beginning of each calendar year, we will review these criteria with you and re-evaluate your membership category.
To move up to the next tier level and qualify for more benefits you simply:
- Take advantage of Honeywell’s wide product offering and increase your sales of Honeywell products
- Fulfill mutual transactional obligations
- Train more of your sales and technical staff in Honeywell solutions
Catalyst Partner Program Tiers
Your tier status, whether Silver, Gold or Platinum, depends on specific criteria. At the beginning of each calendar year, we will review these criteria with you and re-evaluate your membership category.
Silver catalyst partner
Gold catalyst partner
Platinum catalyst partner
Stay Connected
Easily track your success and your progress toward the next tier. Manage your benefits and take advantage of a one-stop shop for pricing, availability, procurement, and order tracking. Access support documents and much more, at your fingertips 24/7.
Catalyst partner testimonials
Honeywell partners around the world are leveraging the Catalyst Partner Program, and outperforming their own expectations.
Ready to Learn More?
The catalyst Browse through the partner portal, familiarize yourself with the program and enjoy the benefits available to you. We will conduct your assessment for the year and plan to add further benefits during the following year. The process will repeat on an annual basis.
Copyright © 2025 Honeywell International Inc.
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