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    People traveling to Siegsburg, Germany, notice the city’s imposing hilltop landmark, Michaelsberg Abbey, from quite a distance. Founded in 1096 in the heart of the Rhine Valley, the former Benedictine monastery and church have evolved into the Catholic Social Institute (KSI), a center for religious education that also houses a modern conference facility and hotel accommodations for attendees. Following an extensive refurbishment and modernization, the minimalist lines of the newly constructed annex received the prestigious Architecture MasterPrize for harmoniously integrating progressive design with the traditional contours of an existing structure.


    As part of the modernization, the Institute’s leadership committee recognized the need for upgraded fire protection that fully complied with the city’s updated regulations and, at the same time, offered a simpler maintenance and service solution than their current regimen. They collaborated with SAS GmbH, which installs, maintains and monitors fire alarm, voice notification, video security and access control systems for customers across Germany.


    On SAS’s recommendation, the committee selected Honeywell’s Connected Life Safety Services (CLSS), a suite of cloud-based tools that streamline the design, installation, test and inspection of fire safety systems. The CLSS solution aligned perfectly with KSI’s vision – to optimize protection of employees and attendees while minimizing service visits that could disrupt its classes and conference sessions.

    Better system visibility – at any time, from anywhere

    Without having to shut down the fire protection systems or even enter any of KSI’s facilities, maintenance staff can access the Honeywell CLSS mobile app on their smartphones to see in real time which fire detection devices are activated and which, if any, might soon malfunction.

    About SAS

    Based in Cologne, SAS GmbH provides fire protection, voice notification, video security, intrusion detection and access control products and monitoring services to clients across Germany. The company offers project planning, installation, maintenance and service of structurally required and voluntarily erected fire alarm systems in compliance with DIN 14675, including preparation and activation of installation certificates. As a Honeywell Engineered Services Distributor (ESD), SAS trains its staff in all facets of CLSS deployment and integration.

    “We chose CLSS because we felt that a humanistic institution, in particular, should prioritize the safety and health of its staff and attendees,” said Roberto Rosso, CEO. “If one of our fire systems ever does malfunction, SAS’s technicians can use CLSS to diagnose it remotely. This way, they need to make only one visit to repair it – if they can’t fix it remotely. This is important to us, because fewer disruptions make it easier for our attendees to focus effectively and have a richer experience during their time here.”

    “At SAS, we recognize that fire regulations across Germany are continually evolving,” said Jan Staffelstein, Managing Director of Fire Protection Systems at SAS. “In addition to streamlining KSI’s test and inspection protocol and improving throughput of alarm signals, CLSS will help future-proof its fire systems against unexpected regulatory updates.”