
    St. Luke’s Hospital

    Twin Falls, ID


    Essentially the sole healthcare facility in the area, St. Luke’s found its existing hospital unable to meet the growing needs of the community it served. Nearly $200 million was invested for a new facility - a high-performance building that would "promote maximum patient comfort and quality patient care."

    The Situation
    This was an opportunity for St. Luke’s to start fresh and create a safer healing environment and a high-performance building with a layout designed for optimal working conditions and effectiveness. To achieve these goals, flexibility was a key factor in the design considerations. The design team wanted the right technology in-place to create a versatile building that could adapt to changes and grow with them; while maintaining patient safety, pandemic readiness, and energy efficiency.

    The Solution
    Engineering, Inc. was selected as the mechanical engineer for the project. They knew Phoenix Controls as a highly-sophisticated, reliable solution for the research industry. The latest healthcare indoor air quality (IAQ) and ventilation standards warranted a new approach to controllability, accountability, and reliability. Engineering, Inc. chose Phoenix Controls as the best products to meet these new demands.

    The Result

    Phoenix Controls VAV systems allowed energy-saving solutions for complicated problems such as lowering air flow while achieving min/max heating and cooling loads for patient towers facing both East and West. To achieve their flexibility goal, VAV systems were also designed into spaces throughout the facility; including lobbies, kitchens, CTs, MRIs, ORs, as well as the MSTI Cancer Institute. In total, 1,289 Theris® valves were used on the project. The Phoenix Theris VAV systems not only provided a safe environment and reliable energy savings, but also allowed the engineering team to downsize the required HVAC equipment - saving on the project’s initial cost and reducing the start-up cost/time necessary to balance the building.