Important Recall Notice Please see Bulletin SSR24.1SB for important product information impacting limited devices. Recall Bulletin

Worldwide Locations

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Address: 3825 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, Illinois 60174
Phone: 630/377-6580
Fax: 630/377-6495

Customer Service Phone: 800/736-7672, press 1
Customer Service Fax: 630/377-6495
Customer Service Email: SSDcustomerservice@honeywell.com

Technical Service Phone: 800/736-7672, press 2
Technical Service Fax: 630/377-6583
Technical Service: techservice@systemsensor.com

Asia Pacific

Address: Room 1717, Grandtech Center, 8 On Ping Street, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong
Phone: +852-2114-0992
Fax: +852-2114-0995
Technical Service: techserviceHK@systemsensor.com

Australia/New Zealand

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Sales, Technical Service, and General Enquiries: sales.aus-nz@systemsensor.com


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Phone: +55 11 3475 1870
Email: vendasbrasil@systemsensor.com


Phone: 905/812-0767
Fax: 905/812-0771
Customer Service: SSDCanada@honeywell.com
Technical Service: techservicecanada@systemsensor.com
Web: www.systemsensor.ca


Address: No. 40 Zhang Ba 2nd Road, Hi-Tech Development Zone, Xi'an, 710075, China
Phone: +86 29 85387800
Fax: +86 29 88895930
Technical Service: techservicechina@systemsensor.com.cn
Web: www.systemsensor.com.cn


Phone: +41 (44) 943 4300
Customer Service: orders@systemsensor.com
Technical Service: sse.technical@honeywell.com
Web: www.systemsensoreurope.com


Phone: +1800 103 0339
Fax: +91 124 4752750
Customer Service: FireCS.India@Honeywell.com
Technical Service: systemsensorindiasupport@honeywell.com
Sales Inquiries: systemsensor.india@honeywell.com

Mexico, Central America and South America

Address (Argentina): Carlos Pellegrini 179, C 1009 ABC, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Address (Mexico): Av. Santa Fe 94, Torre A piso 1, CDMX 01210, Mexico
Phone: +54 11 4324-1909
Phone2: +54 11 4324-5900
Fax: +54 11 4324-5999
Commercial Email: systemsensorla@systemsensor.com
Customer Service: fire.custserv.lat@honeywell.com
Technical Service: techservicelatinamerica@systemsensor.com
Web: www.systemsensor.ca/es


Phone: +7(495)9377982
Fax: +7(495)9377983
Technical Service: moscow@systemsensor.com

Southeast Asia

Phone: +65 6273 2230
Customer Service: CustomerSupportHSFASEAN@Honeywell.com
Technical Service:
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