Important Recall Notice Please see Bulletin SSR24.1SB for important product information impacting limited devices. Recall Bulletin
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Reflected Beam Smoke Detection

Unlike traditional detection systems, Reflected Beam Smoke Detectors were designed for spacious rooms, open areas, and high ceilings; their innovative features make them popular choices for spaces like warehouses, atriums, arenas, and churches. With only one device to install and align, these single-ended optical beam solutions save you time and money on open-area and high-ceiling applications.

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The System Sensor OSI-R-SS and BEAM1224 are 4-wire, conventional reflected beam smoke detectors that are uniquely suited for protecting open areas with high ceilings where other methods of smoke detection that are difficult to install and maintain.​


The System Sensor OSI-RI-SS and BEAM200 are 2-wire, intelligent reflected beam smoke detectors that are uniquely suited for protecting open areas with high ceilings where other methods of smoke detection that are difficult to install and maintain. These detectors are designed to be used with UL-listed compatible control panels only.
