Pressure Independent Control Valves
High Performance Valve for Compressed Air
Honeywell provides high performance valves for compressed air which are direct loaded high performance safety valves with lifting device.
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Honeywell provides high performance valves for compressed air which are direct loaded high performance safety valves with lifting device. They protect pressurized compressed air vessels (cylinders, tanks) against excessive pressure and are used for compressors and other industrial purposes. These valves are suitable for compressed air, non-toxic, non-corrosive and non- inflammable gases which may be discharged to atmosphere.
Features & Benefits:- Sturdy metal construction
- Shake-proof lifting mechanism admitting no additional load
- Set pressure adjustment at factory
- Set pressure settings possible between 0.5 and 30 bar in steps of 0.1 bar
- Low weight
- Reliable and proved
- Media Temperature Range
- 180 degree Celsius
- Media Temperature Range
- 180 degree Celsius
- Media Temperature Range : 180 degree Celsius
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