Enclosed Lighting Relay
Enclosed Lighting Relays are suitable for shunting around wall switches, lighting panels, and controllers, which turn on emergency lighting in the event of the loss of normal utility power.
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Enclosed Lighting Relays are suitable for shunting around wall switches, lighting panels, and controllers, which turn on emergency lighting in the event of the loss of normal utility power. Emergency power is supplied by either a generator or inverter system switched by an automatic transfer switch. This is typically done close to the emergency power source
Features & Benefits:- Multi-coil voltage input
- 10 and 20 Amp contact ratings
- 16 Amp electronic ballast rating (specific models)
- 0-10 Vdc dimmer override
- Remote test capability
- NEMA 1 enclosure with bright yellow color for easy identification
- Pre-wired and prepackaged for convenience
- LED indicator of utility and emergency voltage
- UL 924 Listed
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