Remote Temperature Controllers
T991A Proportional Temperature Controller
T991A proportional temperature controllers provide modulating control of water or air temperatures in ducts, tanks, and similar applications.
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T991A proportional temperature controllers provide modulating control of water or air temperatures in ducts, tanks, and similar applications. Standard models have a sensing bulb and capillary; fast-response models have a coiled sensing element that operates at least four times faster than standard controllers, depending upon operating conditions.
Features & Benefits:- Compensates for effects of ambient temperature on the case and tubing
- Sensing element capillary tubing allows remote mounting of sensing element
- Setpoint may be read and adjusted through cover
- Throttling dial inside case adjusts proportioning range
- Brand
- Honeywell BMS NA
- Brand
- Honeywell BMS NA
- Brand : Honeywell BMS NA
Engineering Specifications
Installation Instructions
Data Sheet
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