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    Single-Mode Media Converter

    The Media Converters are equipped with a multiple interface circuit that can handle RS-232 or RS-422/485 serial interfaces and multimode or single-mode fiber.


    The Media Converters can automatically detect the serial baudrate so even if a device’s baudrate is changed, the signal will still be transmitted through the media converter without any data loss. ADDC® senses and controls RS485 data direction automatically.

    The converters can be used to connect serial devices to a fiber ring. Once the ring is set up, the DIP switch is used to configure the converters for ring mode. The converter is used to extend serial transmission up to 5 km (with multi-mode fiber) or up to 40 km (with single-mode fiber).

    Features & Benefits:
    • Ring and point-to-point transmission
    • Extends RS-232/422/485 transmission up to 40 km with single-mode (TCF142-S) or 5 km with multi-mode (TCF-142-M)
    • Decreases signal interference
    • Protects against electrical interference and chemical corrosion
    • Supports baudrates up to 921.6 kbps
    • Wide-temperature models available for -40 to 75°C environments
    • ULUS
    • CE
    • FC
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