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    OPC Server & Software SDI/I Gateway Kit

    OPC server gateway kit with SDI and SMSI software installed. Supplied with industrial PC.


    OPC server gateway kit with SDI and SMSI software installed. Supplied with industrial PC. OPC server gateway kit provides IBM compatible PC, dual Core, minimum 4 GB RAM, minimum 1 GB disk space, DVD Rom drive, WGA graphics card with minimum 4 MB of video memory, monitor with minimum 1024 x 768 pixels, sound card with external speakers, Windows XP Professional SP3 32-bit, Windows 7 Pro, Windows Server 2008, Internet Explorer version 7 or higher, IIS, RS232 serial ports.

    Features & Benefits:
    • Industrial PC in aluminium case
    • Can be mounted on DIN rail or wall (fixing brackets supplied)
    • Connections, 2 Gigabit Ethernet ports, 4 USB, 6 RS 232 ports
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