FT69 Single-stage protection thermostats for air heating and climate control systems
They register the temperature along the entire length of the capillary. When mounting outdoors, please note that the fluid reservoir located in the thermostat is also temperature-sensitive and thus an integral part of the active measuring system.
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FT69 Single-stage protection thermostats for air heating and climate control systems register the temperature along the entire length of the capillary. When mounting outdoors, please note that the fluid reservoir located in the thermostat is also temperature-sensitive and thus an integral part of the active measuring system. If the temperature of any 30-cm-long segment ofthe capillary drops to below the set-point,the thermostat will switch off automatically.The complete length of the capillary must belooped uniformly along the air conduit’s entirecross-section. If the capillary is damaged, thethermostats will switch off automatically.Accessories included in Delivery:· The 3-meter and 6-meter versions are each delivered with 6 mounting retainers.· The 1.8-meter version is delivered with 3 mounting retainers..
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