Fire Alarm Control Panels
XLS140-2 Fire Alarm Control Panel
XLS140-2 fire alarm control panels designed with modularity and for ease of system planning, the XLS140-2 panels can be configured with just a few devices for small building applications, or for a large campus or high-rise application.
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As a stand-alone small-to-large system, or as a large network, Honeywell’s XLS140-2 meets virtually every application requirement. Designed with modularity and for ease of system planning, the XLS140-2 can be configured with just a few devices for small building applications, or for a large campus or high-rise application. Simply add additional peripheral equipment to suit the application. Systems can be installed in CAB-4 Series cabinets; or for approved marine applications, CAB-M Series cabinets.
Features & Benefits:- One, expandable to two, isolated intelligent Signalling Line Circuit (SLC) Style 4, 6 or 7
- FLASHSCAN degraded mode
- CSFM: 7165-1130:265; 7170-1130:264
- MEA: 128-07-E Vol. 3
- UL Listed: S470
- ULC Listed: S7564, S7566
- Brand
- Brand
- Brand : NOTIFIER
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