Repeater terminal for AM-8200 with 7" Touch LCD colour display.
LCD-8200 is a remote repeat panel for the AM-8200, with a 7in color touch screen. It connects to the single AM-8200 Panel via an RS.485 serial line. Along the above serial line can be connected up to 32 LCD-8200.
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LCD-8200 is a remote repeat panel for the AM-8200, with a 7in color touch screen. It connects to the single AM-8200 Panel via an RS.485 serial line. Along the above serial line can be connected up to 32 LCD-8200. The panel must be configured locally as "GENERAL RECEIVER" or as "Partial". If configured as "Partial", you must program through the PK-8200 the pairs to the Zones or Devices you want to display. On the LCD-8200 panel, locate the device address locally. The programmable addresses range from 1 to 16 for both categories (GLOBAL or PARZIAL), for a total of up to 32 repeaters. If programmed as "GLOBAL", the LCD-8200 repeats all the messages on the control panel and if the control panel is in a CanBus network, repeats all network events. If programmed as "PARTIAL", the LCD-8200 allows the display of active events in the sensor / modules module or selected zones. You can select up to 64 types of events, referring to the following states in the control panel, or zones or individual devices
Features & Benefits:- 72 MHz microprocessor system, 1Gbit Nand Flash, 256Mbit DDR, 16Mbit Flash SPI
- Display 7in wide TFT RGB 800x480-with resistive Touch Pad with LED backlight
- Active area 152.5 mm x 91.44mm anti-glare treatment
- 2 power supply leads
- 2/3 conductors for serial line connection (2 with common power supplies, 3 with independent power supplies)
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