Interface Cards
Winmagplus Preconfigured PC
Esser Winmagplus Preconfigured PC without a license for SDI and CMSI (OPC server). Sold with Windows operating system, WINMAGplus and OPC server installed.
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The Esser Winmagplus Preconfigured PC without a license for SDI and CMSI (OPC server). Sold with Windows operating system, WINMAGplus and OPC server installed. Supplied with 24in keyboard, mouse and screen, 500GB hard drive, 4 ports: 2 x RS 232 and RS 485. Minimum hardware and software configuration: IBM compatible PC, Dual Core, minimum 4GB RAM, minimum 1GB disk space, DVD-ROM drive, WGA graphics card with minimum 4MB of video memory, monitor with minimum 1024 x 768 pixels, sound card with external speakers, Windows XP Professional SP3 32-bit, Windows 7Pro, Windows Server 2008: Server 2008 R2 (no foundation edition), Internet Explorer version 7 or higher, IIS.
Features & Benefits:- Complete PC screen, mouse, keyboard
- Windows operating system installed
- WINMAGplus installed (without a license)
- CMSI2OPC software installed
- 4 RS232/RS485 ports
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