TV,Data&Voice Sockets
Logic Plus™ Telephone Socket Outlet
Logic Plus™ telephone socket outlets are used for direct and indirect telecommunication connections.The products are manufactured from urea formaldehyde, a high grade thermoset material with inherent antibacterial and antiviral properties.
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Logic Plus telephone socket outlets are used for direct and indirect telecommunication connections. They are designed to accept BT style plugs and RJ11 connectors.
The products are manufactured from urea formaldehyde, a high grade thermoset material with inherent antibacterial and antiviral properties.
Features & Benefits:- Made from urea formaldehyde, a high grade thermoset material with inherent antibacterial and antiviral properties. Independently tested to the latest standard ISO 22196:2011, results show kill rates of over 99.99%. MK offers the most widely tested wiring devices available.
- IDC connectors.
- 10 year guarantee.
- BS5733:1995
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