Housings & Hardware
8 SATA Storage Expansion Chassis
8 SATA storage expansion chassis incorporate a highly reliable SATA extension chip and offer high performance, low cost, and ease of use.
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8 SATA storage expansion chassis incorporate a highly reliable SATA extension chip and offer high performance, low cost, and ease of use. Designed for use with HEN*4 NVR devices, the product stores data through the eSATA interface and is able to meet users’ demands for product function, performance, and other aspects.
Features & Benefits:- 2U standard 19 inch rack case
- Max support Internal 8 SATA HDD for more than 48TB
- Connect master device via eSATA or USB
- Recommended with NVR connection
- eSATA port transmission speed up to 3Gbps
- USB 3.0 port data transmission higher than normal
- Powerful R/W performance: read up to 64MB/s, write up to 64MB/s
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