Enclosure Mounts & Hardware
ID3000 Extension Chassis Kit
ID3000 Extension Chassis Kits are 64 zone led extension chassis kit with Led display board for zone 1 to 65 to indicate fire and fault, disablement, test and also accept integral printer
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The Notifier zone-led options can be installed in the main control panel and is connected via a flatcable to the main unit
Features & Benefits:- 72 hours backup option
- Adjustable sensor sensitivity
- Automatic High Test, Day/Night mode and Class Change facilities
- Sophisticated cause and effect programming including support for non-fire signals and over-ride capability for smoke control systems
- Certified for use in various markets across Europe. Declarations and certificates for CE, DoP, LPCB, VdS, Bosec and others can be downloaded from our web-pages
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