Monitors & Displays
Double-Sided Information Display
Ackermann by Honeywell offers Double-Sided Information Display for ceiling mounting with red LED dot matrix for the self-luminous alphanumeric plain text display.
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Ackermann by Honeywell offers Double-Sided Information Display for ceiling mounting with red LED dot matrix for the self-luminous alphanumeric plain text display. Speakers for announcements (only Clino System 99) and a tone generator for acoustic call forwarding are integrated. System message display with room and bed identification (up to 8 characters, alphanumeric) and symbols for call type (e.g. public washroom, doctor, fault).
Features & Benefits:- Display with alphanumeric room and bed identification
- Call type display
- Time display (configurable, i.e. if no messages are pending)
- Acoustic call forwarding (configurable)
- Announcements via speaker configurable
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