IQ8Control Panel
The IQ8Control M as an efficient fire alarm control panel for the property supervision of midsized to large objects, facilitates simultaneous detection, control and alarm signalling both on the analogous ring as well as on on the spur
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The IQ8Control M as an efficient fire alarm control panel for the property supervision of midsized to large objects, facilitates simultaneous detection, control and alarm signalling both on the analogous ring as well as on on the spur.
Features & Benefits:- Max. seven micromodules, with peripheral module 772418 max. five micromodules
- Loop installation with I-Y(ST)Y 0.8mm cable for a maximum length of 3.5 km
- Up to 127 bus devices/detector zones per loop
- TTY or RS485 or RS 232 interface
- Connection to graphical supervisor WINMAG via serial essernet interface (SEI)
- Operating panel with alphanumerical display
- Event memory for up to 10,000 events
- All Systems 8000 micromodules are
- Printer interface for internal printer
- Monitored input for external power supply unit
- VdS
- Brand
- Esser
- Brand
- Esser
- Brand : Esser
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